"Will you go on a Job Interview with Me?"

Let's play Jeopardy for a second.

Here's your answer for double meanings for 500: an appointment where people meet, ask each other questions to get to know one another, try to impress each other, and where nerves and excitement are present, as well as a potential commitment is pending.

What does this sound like to you?

If you are thinking "What is a Job Interview?" you would be correct.

If you are thinking "What is a First Date?" guess what, you would ALSO be correct.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a job searching and dating have striking similarities, and this become even more pronounced to me recently. So, I made a list of my top reasons and observations of this fact. Here goes:

1. You get asked out. Ok, so maybe for an interview, you don't get asked "out" but you are still asked to come to a specific meeting place at a particular time to meet with a particular person. Your heart still races and those butterflies somehow get into your stomach in either case when you see their number pop up on your phone.

2. The What am I going to wear?!?! phenomenon. You have to find an outfit that is appropriate for the setting, shows your personality, and makes you look your best! Even though you have plenty of clothes in your closet, (and if you weren't aware of this before you are now because they are now strewn all over your room) you have nothing to wear!! Occasionally you will find that old gem of a dress or accessory, but more often than not a trip to the mall is in order.

3. Awkward Silences. We all know this happens on dates, especially first dates when you are trying to find common ground. In interviews, it happens more when you get caught off guard by a question like "What's your greatest weakness?" (Like I really wanna tell you that when I'm trying to get a job). Do I tell you that I'm a perfectionist or something that I honestly struggle with? The good thing about dates is you probably won't be asked this question outright, but both people on the date are trying to present the best parts of themselves, occasionally making themselves seem different than they really are.

4. I'll call you. This typically happens during the end of the interview or date when you are making plans as to when to meet again. The company tells you when you will know if you got a second interview, or your date mentions they'd like to see you again. Then after you part, you replay the scenario in your head. Wow, I really liked that person (or company). I hope they liked me. Why did I say that?! I'm really glad we had things in common. I hope they call! or even I don't see this going anywhere. We don't really have much in common. What am I gonna do if they call!? Start thinking of an excuse now!

5. The Thank-you note. After a job interview, it is recommended to write a thank-you note to re-iterate your interest in the position and to thank them for their time. Now, I know what you are thinking, "Who sends thank-you notes for dates??" Well, maybe not in the traditional, hand-written sense, but with texting, it's a different story. Something to the effect of I had a really good time! or Tonight was great, let's hang out again sometime is the dating equivalent of a job interview thank you note. It doesn't matter if you just said the same thing to them in person.

6. Let's just be friends. If in fact you don't get the job, or any more dates, a conversation like this will most likely take place. It usually includes these three things: 1.) Telling the rejected party what a great person (or job candidate) they are 2.) Explaining how they have all the qualities they are looking for, and 3.) Despite steps one and two, being clear that it's just not going to work for one reason or another. This is a difficult conversation no matter what end you are on, but it must be done to move forward.

7. The Love Triangle. Occasionally, one might have to choose between two job offers or in dating, people. This can be tricky for all parties involved, and the two competing offers or people usually step up their game as to what they can offer you.

8. Let's make it official. Congrats! This happens when you've gotten the job or the guy or girl and the two parties decide to enter into a commitment, whether work-related or personal. In either case, the dynamic in the relationship shifts and both begin to build a solid foundation for the future.

Well there you have it! Just some of what I have noticed in my experience. Thanks for reading my first blog! More to come about different topics in the future.


  1. Jenne, not only would I hire you to work for me, I'd totally ask you on a second date if I was a guy. But I guess when you get married you get the best of both worlds ;)

  2. So many truths in this blog. I hate both job interviews and girlfriend interviews.

  3. You should make a flow chart and then sell this to a management book publisher. Then you would never have to work again. Sadly you might have to go another first date though, maybe more since you'll be rich.

    On a serious note, I'm much better at job interviews than girlfriend interviews lol


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